Monday, August 11, 2008

You Never Really Know Who Your Friends Are, Until They Don't FACE/SPACE You Back!

I Am For The People!: Random Thoughts

So, I was having this conversation with a friend of mine about these social networking sites that we seem to be addicted to lately. The question of if we are always online checking our pages, why in the hell won't someone comment/wall/etc.. you back? Some see this as rude, I guess. Some don't give a shit; but if the intent of these sites is mostly for networking purposes, not responding back to someone is being non-network friendly.

But what about your supposed friends that don't wal-ment you back? (wal-ment lol. corny!) Some would say it's pretty f'kd up, I guess. And some just really don't give a shit. But I guess if this person is really a friend, then they would find the time to get back to you.

Is face/spacing back something that people really care about? According to my friend, Yes. And after talking to her, I kind of would care too... I guess, depending on the person.

But seriously people, after high school, our lives get so complicated and turned around, we don't have time to do the petty things in life. We do, what we do, when we have time to do it. So it's ultimately up to the person to decide whether they are going to be offended by it or not. So I say, if you feel you really don't know who your friends are until they don't face/space you back, then maybe your, um, right.

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