Monday, August 11, 2008

Forklift helps 700-pound man take outing ^^^^^^ This Is Ridiculous!!^^^^^^

I Am For The People!: Shameful
pictures from Associated press. To view story go to:;_ylt=AhBGnEr7MtbX.he_8lsu4sDlWMcF

The Associated Press reports this 700 lbs Mexican man known as Meme was carried out of his house on his bed by a forklift and placed on a truck that brought him to a lake. What? Who's idea was this and why is this news? I laughed. And that's not a mean thing to do. Think about all the kids that are going to be riding around in the back seats of cars pissing their pants as Meme rides on by comfortably, begging their parents to follow the ManTruck. Kids are cruel, so very cruel. This is sad people! This should not be news. It should be in a health class some where teaching our kids about what will happen to them if they eat Mickey D's and Wendys every damn day!
In the article it said when he got to the lake,"he snacked on fish and vegetables and joked with a local
boat operator..." Well, Hehe hehehe. This is no laughing matter people! This should not be news.
But on the serious note, I am going to give him a hell of a lot of credit... for disgusting me, thus, me disgusting you. No sir, he use to weigh 1,235 lbs. Now that's incredible!

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