Sunday, August 17, 2008

Instant Karma? Does It Exist?

I Am For The People!: Karma

Um, hell yes!
If you have no idea what instant karma is, well you are not alone in this. (Please don't confuse this with regular karma, two totally different things!) It seems a lot of people have no idea what instant karma is about. The name kinda speaks for itself right? But how do you reach instant karma, or stay away from it? There is only one way IN and one way OUT.
Seems easy, but actually maintaining your karma can be a very difficult thing to do.
Let's discuss staying away from instant karma first. It's as easy as taking candy from a baby...something that you know you shouldn't do right. So wrong, oh so very wrong. So after you take this candy from the baby, you begin walking down the street and notice that your wallet is missing. F*CK! I mean, you only had $55 in your wallet, but still. That $55 is probably exactly 10x the amount of the cost of the candy you took. Get it? You knew you shouldn't be taking that candy from that baby, but you did it anyway, thus inducing instant karma.
Another example, which happens to be a real life situation:

A friend of mine has a problem, it's called being a victim of the "free99". Even though she knows that she shouldn't be stealing, she does it anyway. Many of us have this difficult problem, and it's hard to admit, or come to terms with it. In her case she knew it was wrong, she felt it was wrong, but she did it anyway. Later that day, she went to the hair salon, and when she came out, the whole front end of her car was smashed up. No one seen anything. Covered? Only liability. DAYUMN. Her estimated total for repairs, $700. That $700 is probably about 10x the amount of the cost of the things that she took from the store.
Are we understanding people?

So, how do you create instant karma? It's one of those things where you have to be oblivious to attain it. So as you can imagine, it seems much harder to reach. But if you are a person that is true to your nature, then it is the simplest thing to maintain in this life. Charity Workers and Volunteers gain a lot of instant karma. Getting a little clearer people? Ok, so you are pissed that your wallet is gone, you're hungry with no money, and the only thing you have to eat is... uh candy. As you are walking down the street, you seen an older woman trip to the ground and drop all of her belongings. You instantly, like a reaction, run to her, help her up, make sure she's okay, and gather her things for her. You continue on your walk, still hungry, a little pissed, happen to look down, and guess what, a $10 bill laying on the side of the gutter. That $10 is probably 10x the minutes it took to help that lady up. OK. WE GET IT NOW? Wonderful!

I'm talking in terms of money, because it's easier to understand. But I know that many things has happened in your life where you felt very lucky, or very unlucky. Guess what people, there's no such thing as luck, There is only karma... and intuition. (We'll get into that another time)

So is there a such thing as instant karma? Does it truly exist? Why don't you try it out people.

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