Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Fiday; Let's Talk About Politics Ya'll!!

I Am For The People!: Barack 4 President

No, I didn't watch the Presidential Convention. And no, I am not planning on voting! But do I want Barack to win? Hell yes! Because he's black? Well, yes. And also because his family is beautiful. Another reason is because he worked very hard to get to where he is now, and I believe that he has the power to make change in this world. From what I read, he talks a good word. (People, when I tell you I don't watch TV, I really, don't. I've only seen his campaign ad... once, and it was in its last seconds).
I'm not voting! I choose not to vote! All of you who have a problem with this can suck it, because I choose not to vote for ME. I'd rather sit back, and watch as these times unfold in front of my eyes. I know things will be the way they are going to be regardless, and when I'm good and ready to start voting, I will!
Oh, and I also want Barack to win because he's a democrat... um hello! And because we listen to the same music; he invited Jennifer Hudson to sing at the Convention (love her!) I missed it though, Don't watch TV!
The bottom line that I am trying to prove by not voting is just because it isn't in your backyard, doesn't mean that racism is extinct. It is alive and still, still kicking. Do not tell me that you do not know about this people? Racism is one of those things that is put in the "pink elephant" category. Like it ceased or something, and is not there, but we live it everyday people. If human beings on this planet can be suicide bombers, never mind the religion; Don't you think us Americans can do the same? I am not going to be apart of it... what's to come when we see a black president? All hell is going to break loose, you know this right? But much love to Obama, Go Donkeys!!

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