Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Case Of The Dumb Broad!

I Am For The People!: Foolish

I am upset people, and let me tell you why. I don't even know where to begin because this story is so bizarre it boggles my mind. To make a really, really long story short:

There was this guy that my friend was dating, and for some reason, I wasn't too fond of him. They got into some arguments, you know break ups to make ups; that kind of thing, but it was always the same old thing with him. Basically, he didn't want a relationship, she did, he wasn't ready, she was... So I guess they got in a big argument and weren't talking for a few days.
Fast forward to where I come into the picture. I get a call from a guy late night. I had no idea who this man was and he preceded to tell me that we met a while back. He described what I was wearing, told me who I was with and even where we met that night... so how could I argue with him? I was bored, so I talked to him. There was something familiar about him and I also found him interested so I continued to talk to him over the course of about a week. During this week, I brought up many times that his voice sounds familiar, even made a joke about who I thought that he might be, but according to him, he wasn't that guy. Sorry, he said.
We planned to meet so I could know what he looked like, because I had no idea who he was. And let me tell you people, I hardly give out my number, so me not remembering who this person was, really had me wanting to know more about him. Before we were going to meet, I asked him to pick up something for me from the store. He did, and then he called me to tell me that he needed to tell me something before he came over to see me. I'm like, Oh Damn, what could it be? He then tells me that he is who I thought he was and he was too afraid to tell me.WTF? Really. Any normal person would have told him to piss off, don't come and to never call again. But I wanted to look this fool in his face to see what the hell could be going on in his mind that he has to make up a story to try to get with his girls friend behind her back in a very, very, oh so sleazy way. Besides that, I wanted my sh*t from the store! He told me not to tell her, I said sure.
You KNOW whats the first thing I did when he left right!
It took this fucking lame ass dude to sneak into my girls phonebook to get my number and try to get with me, in order for my friend to see how much of a LOSER this guy was.
She didn't talk to him... for at least a few weeks....
Then the lying started... she's talking to him again. Are they screwing? I don't know. But she told me to mind my business, and mind my business is what I intend to do!

You think you're helping out a friend when in actuality, they can't even help themselves. To me, I know what this makes her look like. It's a disgrace. But obviously to her, she doesn't see it my way. You know what they say, love is blind. She is my friend, and she is a dumb broad. But who am I to judge?

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