Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Ladybug Incident

I Am For The People!: Weird

So, I was deciding if I should write about this or not because actually I'm quite upset. To make a really long story short, I woke up last night about 2:30am, sat straight up in my bed, and subconsciously stuck my finger in my left ear. I pulled out something that looked like a black ball. Under normal circumstances, I would have screamed and thrown whatever the hell that thing was and then proceed to freak the f out. But I wanted to know what it was; I turned on the light and it was a dead ladybug. I thought it was the coolest thing! I'm like, "Hmmm, what does this mean", very excitedly. I placed the ladybug on a flat surface and covered it with something. All night I was so excited to think how I would display my favorite insect. I was dreaming about it people! The point is, when I woke up, it was gone... and I was pissed! I did a little research on the internet just in case it meant something special lol. And I found this:

to read the full post go to:
"...I took her to the ER and within a few hours the doc had extracted a dead ladybug. My daughter was so upset about the dead bug she could care less about the doc putting drops in her ear. When I asked why the bug was in her ear my daughter replied to me that she could not hear what the ladybug was saying to her because the bugs mouth was so small so she put the bug in her ear to here it better while they were talking!!"

The cutest thing right! This girl is totally someone I would be friends with.

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