Sunday, August 31, 2008

No Bitchassness... Really Puff?

I Am For The People: Celebrities

So, is it coming to this? I love Diddy, in all of his fierceness. But... Bitchassness? Bitch-ass-ness? BITCHASSNESS??? WTF? You already know some gay put him on to this slang and he's making it his own. I'm sorry, I don't care what any of you say; No straight man will tell another man that he is full of bitchassness! And even worse than the word... is the actual shirt! Yes people, have you seen it? Well it's right here in front of your eyes. Popping up in ghetto flea markets all across America... The Bitchassness shirts have arrived, for men, women, and babies ya'll, you know Puffy don't play. Point blank, anyone who wears that shirt needs to get bitch-SLAPPED!

Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Fiday; Let's Talk About Politics Ya'll!!

I Am For The People!: Barack 4 President

No, I didn't watch the Presidential Convention. And no, I am not planning on voting! But do I want Barack to win? Hell yes! Because he's black? Well, yes. And also because his family is beautiful. Another reason is because he worked very hard to get to where he is now, and I believe that he has the power to make change in this world. From what I read, he talks a good word. (People, when I tell you I don't watch TV, I really, don't. I've only seen his campaign ad... once, and it was in its last seconds).
I'm not voting! I choose not to vote! All of you who have a problem with this can suck it, because I choose not to vote for ME. I'd rather sit back, and watch as these times unfold in front of my eyes. I know things will be the way they are going to be regardless, and when I'm good and ready to start voting, I will!
Oh, and I also want Barack to win because he's a democrat... um hello! And because we listen to the same music; he invited Jennifer Hudson to sing at the Convention (love her!) I missed it though, Don't watch TV!
The bottom line that I am trying to prove by not voting is just because it isn't in your backyard, doesn't mean that racism is extinct. It is alive and still, still kicking. Do not tell me that you do not know about this people? Racism is one of those things that is put in the "pink elephant" category. Like it ceased or something, and is not there, but we live it everyday people. If human beings on this planet can be suicide bombers, never mind the religion; Don't you think us Americans can do the same? I am not going to be apart of it... what's to come when we see a black president? All hell is going to break loose, you know this right? But much love to Obama, Go Donkeys!!

She's a winner!

♪♫My Girl is Going To The Emmmmmyyys, She's Going To The Emmmmyyyss♫♪

Ok, Ok, so it can happen! With a little bit of hard work and dedication, one of us regular folk can try to make it in this cruel, cruel world. Thanks to public help, Franchesca Ramsey was chosen to be the People's Magazine Red Carpet Reporter!! OMFG! Like she's totally gonna be smoozing with the celebs. SOOOOOO JEALOUS! But sooooooo HAPPY! Don't HATE Ya'll, I see ya! FYI, Franchesca works very hard in everything that she does. She's multi-talented and is very good and thorough in everything she attempts, so if anyone deserves this break, it is definitely her! Besides... I'm right behind her. HOLLA!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Technical Difficulties Ya'll....

Ok, for some reason, the videos that I posted from YouTube are not showing up, waiting to get this issue resolved. So to view, click on the links below: Sean Paul "Watch Dem Roll" Rihanna "Disturbia"

Thank you!

The Case Of The Dumb Broad!

I Am For The People!: Foolish

I am upset people, and let me tell you why. I don't even know where to begin because this story is so bizarre it boggles my mind. To make a really, really long story short:

There was this guy that my friend was dating, and for some reason, I wasn't too fond of him. They got into some arguments, you know break ups to make ups; that kind of thing, but it was always the same old thing with him. Basically, he didn't want a relationship, she did, he wasn't ready, she was... So I guess they got in a big argument and weren't talking for a few days.
Fast forward to where I come into the picture. I get a call from a guy late night. I had no idea who this man was and he preceded to tell me that we met a while back. He described what I was wearing, told me who I was with and even where we met that night... so how could I argue with him? I was bored, so I talked to him. There was something familiar about him and I also found him interested so I continued to talk to him over the course of about a week. During this week, I brought up many times that his voice sounds familiar, even made a joke about who I thought that he might be, but according to him, he wasn't that guy. Sorry, he said.
We planned to meet so I could know what he looked like, because I had no idea who he was. And let me tell you people, I hardly give out my number, so me not remembering who this person was, really had me wanting to know more about him. Before we were going to meet, I asked him to pick up something for me from the store. He did, and then he called me to tell me that he needed to tell me something before he came over to see me. I'm like, Oh Damn, what could it be? He then tells me that he is who I thought he was and he was too afraid to tell me.WTF? Really. Any normal person would have told him to piss off, don't come and to never call again. But I wanted to look this fool in his face to see what the hell could be going on in his mind that he has to make up a story to try to get with his girls friend behind her back in a very, very, oh so sleazy way. Besides that, I wanted my sh*t from the store! He told me not to tell her, I said sure.
You KNOW whats the first thing I did when he left right!
It took this fucking lame ass dude to sneak into my girls phonebook to get my number and try to get with me, in order for my friend to see how much of a LOSER this guy was.
She didn't talk to him... for at least a few weeks....
Then the lying started... she's talking to him again. Are they screwing? I don't know. But she told me to mind my business, and mind my business is what I intend to do!

You think you're helping out a friend when in actuality, they can't even help themselves. To me, I know what this makes her look like. It's a disgrace. But obviously to her, she doesn't see it my way. You know what they say, love is blind. She is my friend, and she is a dumb broad. But who am I to judge?

Rihanna; Yeah, She's COOL!

I Am For The People!: Celebrities

And, I'm totally not being sarcastic people. I really like Rhianna. I think she has paid her dues to show that she is here to stay. One thing I really admire about Rhianna is that fact that she was able to survive the Beyonce Haze. And what I mean by this people, if we don't know, Beyonce is the only urban/r&b/pop princess in this day that maintains her standing in all that she does. Key word, being POP... as in Popular. Rhianna was able to stand her ground during this Beyonce Era to claim her place as one of the top Musical Artists today.
Even though in the beginning, she was almost casted off as a B* wannabee with 'Pon De Replay' I think the only thing saving her was her heavy Barbadian accent. With some quick thinking by genius Jay-Z to put out another album only 7 months after her first album was released, she crossed over to Pop with 'SOS'. Once they let Rhianna be herself, something amazing took place. People took notice that she wasn't in fact like anyone at all. She was actually quite different from those whom she was being compared to.
Her style is immaculately odd, and I truly love her for that. She is someone who I'd consider one of the top trendsetters in the industry. In fashion, lifestyle, and music she brings the masses into her world of something new, always. So, since talking about something new and in true Rhianna fashion, I have to say, it took me at least 2 or 3 times to like this song... and now I LOVE it! I want you all to take a look at her video for "Disturbia". Yes, the song does take some getting use to, so take it for what it is. IT is something new, something different, and it ROCKS! Stop hating on Rihanna! Oh, and btw, who the hell does her marketing? One smart cookie, check out the video to see what I mean! I guarantee this song will be one hot banger well through November.

Rihanna, "Disturbia"

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sean Paul... Where For Art Thou?

I Am For The People!: Celebrities

Is anyone else wondering this? I predict a very strong comeback for Sean Paul in the very near future. He's been gone for a while, and dammit! I miss him. My favorite songs include, Gimmie the Light, I'm Still In Love, We Burnin' and of course Temperature. Regardless of the fact that he is sexy as hell, and puts out bangers every time, did you know that he played national water polo for years, was a proficient swimmer, and was trained in classical flute... hmm, interesting.

For some reason, I was under the impression that Sean P was strictly Jamaican; speculation, I guess. Turns out, he has Portuguese and Chinese in his blood as well... hmm, very interesting.

Be on the look out for a Sean Paul hit coming our way soon. But for now, check out the latest video by SeandaPaul. I actually really like this song. It's soooo HOOD! And um, is it me, or has Sexy been taking some dance lessons? IDK?

Sean Paul, "Watch Dem Roll"

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Instant Karma? Does It Exist?

I Am For The People!: Karma

Um, hell yes!
If you have no idea what instant karma is, well you are not alone in this. (Please don't confuse this with regular karma, two totally different things!) It seems a lot of people have no idea what instant karma is about. The name kinda speaks for itself right? But how do you reach instant karma, or stay away from it? There is only one way IN and one way OUT.
Seems easy, but actually maintaining your karma can be a very difficult thing to do.
Let's discuss staying away from instant karma first. It's as easy as taking candy from a baby...something that you know you shouldn't do right. So wrong, oh so very wrong. So after you take this candy from the baby, you begin walking down the street and notice that your wallet is missing. F*CK! I mean, you only had $55 in your wallet, but still. That $55 is probably exactly 10x the amount of the cost of the candy you took. Get it? You knew you shouldn't be taking that candy from that baby, but you did it anyway, thus inducing instant karma.
Another example, which happens to be a real life situation:

A friend of mine has a problem, it's called being a victim of the "free99". Even though she knows that she shouldn't be stealing, she does it anyway. Many of us have this difficult problem, and it's hard to admit, or come to terms with it. In her case she knew it was wrong, she felt it was wrong, but she did it anyway. Later that day, she went to the hair salon, and when she came out, the whole front end of her car was smashed up. No one seen anything. Covered? Only liability. DAYUMN. Her estimated total for repairs, $700. That $700 is probably about 10x the amount of the cost of the things that she took from the store.
Are we understanding people?

So, how do you create instant karma? It's one of those things where you have to be oblivious to attain it. So as you can imagine, it seems much harder to reach. But if you are a person that is true to your nature, then it is the simplest thing to maintain in this life. Charity Workers and Volunteers gain a lot of instant karma. Getting a little clearer people? Ok, so you are pissed that your wallet is gone, you're hungry with no money, and the only thing you have to eat is... uh candy. As you are walking down the street, you seen an older woman trip to the ground and drop all of her belongings. You instantly, like a reaction, run to her, help her up, make sure she's okay, and gather her things for her. You continue on your walk, still hungry, a little pissed, happen to look down, and guess what, a $10 bill laying on the side of the gutter. That $10 is probably 10x the minutes it took to help that lady up. OK. WE GET IT NOW? Wonderful!

I'm talking in terms of money, because it's easier to understand. But I know that many things has happened in your life where you felt very lucky, or very unlucky. Guess what people, there's no such thing as luck, There is only karma... and intuition. (We'll get into that another time)

So is there a such thing as instant karma? Does it truly exist? Why don't you try it out people.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Do I Even Need To Speak About Mike P?

I Am For The People!: Olympics


I think not! He's speaking for himself!

picture from:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Show Some Love PEOPLE!!!

I Am For The People!: Support

OK, my girl is in this contest to be one of the 2008 Emmy Red Carpet Reporters! Wouldn't it be great to see one of us out and about schmoozing with the stars.

I know you all know about youtube right?
Go to to VOTE!!

Franchesca says: "click the vote tab, you can forward through the videos until you find mine, which is titled "Franchesca's red carpet round 2 submission" There's a little thumbs up and down symbol, so make sure to give me a thumbs up which will secure your vote for me! thanks again for your support you're awesome."
So come on people, go to YOUTUBE and show some love for my girl!
Voting last for 10 days, let's hop to it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

USA! USA! USA! Men's Basketball... Doing it Ya'll!

I Am For The People!: Olympics

Basketball is one of my favorite sports. It's damn awesome that they are doing well in this years Olympics! My favorite players, in this particular order; Dwayne Wade (MIAMI!) and Carmelo Anthony. BTW, Have you seen the salaries of some of these players? Even the nobodies are making like 2 million a year. I need a BASKETBALL PLAYER!!


pictures from:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Ladybug Incident

I Am For The People!: Weird

So, I was deciding if I should write about this or not because actually I'm quite upset. To make a really long story short, I woke up last night about 2:30am, sat straight up in my bed, and subconsciously stuck my finger in my left ear. I pulled out something that looked like a black ball. Under normal circumstances, I would have screamed and thrown whatever the hell that thing was and then proceed to freak the f out. But I wanted to know what it was; I turned on the light and it was a dead ladybug. I thought it was the coolest thing! I'm like, "Hmmm, what does this mean", very excitedly. I placed the ladybug on a flat surface and covered it with something. All night I was so excited to think how I would display my favorite insect. I was dreaming about it people! The point is, when I woke up, it was gone... and I was pissed! I did a little research on the internet just in case it meant something special lol. And I found this:

to read the full post go to:
"...I took her to the ER and within a few hours the doc had extracted a dead ladybug. My daughter was so upset about the dead bug she could care less about the doc putting drops in her ear. When I asked why the bug was in her ear my daughter replied to me that she could not hear what the ladybug was saying to her because the bugs mouth was so small so she put the bug in her ear to here it better while they were talking!!"

The cutest thing right! This girl is totally someone I would be friends with.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let's Talk About LUUUVVVVV People!

I Am For The People!: Love

Is it better to have loved then lost, than to never love at all? Apparently, lots of people have an opinion on this and I'd say it's pretty much split down the middle. Most said, never love at all. But of course, those are the people that got burned, pretty severely. A lot said love then lost, for reasons of their own, and I'm going to vouch for them!
In what I would call one of the biggest meltdowns of my life, my recent broken heart this summer has proved to me that it is so much better to have loved once before, and then lose it, than to never ever get a chance to love that person at all. Because, regardless of an outcome, LOVE is the number one learning experience. Love changes you; your thoughts, actions, words and ways, and can be down right scary! When it's good, it's heaven; when it's shaky, your heart shakes with it, and tries to hold on for dear life.
By going through this massive heart surgery, I had to suffer the pain of losing my love to a beautiful young lady, with knockers the size of Texas, ugh! I suffered the pain and agony of self-embarrassment through multiple texts, emails, and calls... trying to figure out what the hell "I" did wrong? In this process of trying to win my man back, I came across as a crazy, insane, maybe even manipulative individual that I actually didn't know at all. Or, maybe i just wasn't aware of it.
The pain that I felt is unlike anything I ever felt before. And it was one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced in my life. Through that broken heart, I learned a lot about me that I would have never known. And because of that, great change occurred! So, in my opinion, it is so much better to love and then lose, than to never love at all, because if you don't lose in LOVE, how the hell are you going to find out all the love that life has stored up for you; just waiting for you to open it?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Forklift helps 700-pound man take outing ^^^^^^ This Is Ridiculous!!^^^^^^

I Am For The People!: Shameful
pictures from Associated press. To view story go to:;_ylt=AhBGnEr7MtbX.he_8lsu4sDlWMcF

The Associated Press reports this 700 lbs Mexican man known as Meme was carried out of his house on his bed by a forklift and placed on a truck that brought him to a lake. What? Who's idea was this and why is this news? I laughed. And that's not a mean thing to do. Think about all the kids that are going to be riding around in the back seats of cars pissing their pants as Meme rides on by comfortably, begging their parents to follow the ManTruck. Kids are cruel, so very cruel. This is sad people! This should not be news. It should be in a health class some where teaching our kids about what will happen to them if they eat Mickey D's and Wendys every damn day!
In the article it said when he got to the lake,"he snacked on fish and vegetables and joked with a local
boat operator..." Well, Hehe hehehe. This is no laughing matter people! This should not be news.
But on the serious note, I am going to give him a hell of a lot of credit... for disgusting me, thus, me disgusting you. No sir, he use to weigh 1,235 lbs. Now that's incredible!

You Never Really Know Who Your Friends Are, Until They Don't FACE/SPACE You Back!

I Am For The People!: Random Thoughts

So, I was having this conversation with a friend of mine about these social networking sites that we seem to be addicted to lately. The question of if we are always online checking our pages, why in the hell won't someone comment/wall/etc.. you back? Some see this as rude, I guess. Some don't give a shit; but if the intent of these sites is mostly for networking purposes, not responding back to someone is being non-network friendly.

But what about your supposed friends that don't wal-ment you back? (wal-ment lol. corny!) Some would say it's pretty f'kd up, I guess. And some just really don't give a shit. But I guess if this person is really a friend, then they would find the time to get back to you.

Is face/spacing back something that people really care about? According to my friend, Yes. And after talking to her, I kind of would care too... I guess, depending on the person.

But seriously people, after high school, our lives get so complicated and turned around, we don't have time to do the petty things in life. We do, what we do, when we have time to do it. So it's ultimately up to the person to decide whether they are going to be offended by it or not. So I say, if you feel you really don't know who your friends are until they don't face/space you back, then maybe your, um, right.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Michael Phelps Beats His Own Record, BEIJING Plays the Ghetto 'Star Spangled Banner' with Bush Watching

I Am For The People!: Olympics

Please tell me, did anyone catch this? It was between about 4am and 5am this morning, Michael Phelps beats his own damn swimming record! He was on the podium glorifying over his Gold win, and possibly getting a little teary eyed; hand over heart, as the song plays, music continues... they show George Bush's face as the song is playing (who was watching as a fan in the crowd) and cut the song short right before "...the land of the free..." and that was it. Everyone clapped, USA looked a little confused, and everything seemed to be fine. Coincidence, or ghetto slap in George Bush's face?
Regardless, GO USA! USA! USA! USA!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Word on The Street: 3 Kids Shot, One Dead...At Parade? WHAT??!!?

I Am For The People!: Tragedy

***UPDATE: 7 shot, including kids. The word on the street at the time was a small child got killed. Turned out to be a young gentleman about 21 years of age***

In what was suppose to be a fun filled day for the residents of Hartford, CT, turned out to be an ugly situation. 3 children, and when I say children people, I mean innocent kids at a parade having a great time, got shot. One, for sure they say is dead, shot in the head. Another was on a bicycle. And the other was in a stroller. Unfortunately, I was there, and captured some CSI photos.

Every year Hartford host the West Indian Parade, and every year the same things happen. It's not that the parade gives these idiotic fools a reason to start shooting up a place, it's just that these things happen in Hartford everyday. Every hour. But at a parade... where the kids are? Come on people? We're not using our noggings; or care enough to even try. I was disgusted when I approached that scene.

But let me tell you, the party did go on... for most. As it always does. And to prove my point, I mentioned what happened to my friend that lives in Hartford. His response was, "That's Hartford." Sad.

crime scene crime scene

the feds

the bike that the kid was on

the stroller (behind the bike) that the baby was in

CSI marking splatters on blood from the supposed dead young Man.

**In another note, I captured photos of a SWAT team gearing up and entering this house. Which, btw, is not related to the shooting, but was on the same street... but then again, maybe it could have been related because the cops were looking for possible suspects. In any event, what I am telling you is hearsay, so take it as so. But take a look at the pics, they are pretty cool.
SWAT jumping out of the car, and starting to gear up

SWAT walking to the porch of the house

SWAT checking his gun before entering the house

Jesse McCartney; the new... Jesse McCartney??

I Am For The People!: Celebrities

Have you heard Jesse McCartney's new song "Leavin"? After listening to it, I think that it is safe to say that once again Hip Hop culture has pulled another one of Pops outcasts in from the storm. To hear this sweet little boy singing all of these played out Ebonics... actually quite work for me! I love this song!
"...that thing you got behind you is amazing...make it rain...walk it out...tell your the left..."
All these words are from Hip Hop culture, and even though only the stragglers are still saying these phrases, Jesse McCartney brings it back... straight to the POP culture, and then some!
Now if Jesse's 'beautiful soul' can swoon out a tune made up of mostly Hip Hip lyrics; Can Hip Hop get its dues now? Yes Hip Hop is here to stay; Yes, it is the innovation of all music; And Yes, Jesse McCartney actually said, "Tell your shorty..."
And BTW, has anyone ever seen his episode on 'Punked'? Definitely worth watching.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lil' BowMama... Seperated at the Womb? Well, Maybe.

I Am For The People!: Celebrities

I've been thinking about this for some time now, and I figure it hasn't made it's way to the official headlines yet, so I'm gonna bring it up again. Haven't seen it on Talk Soup or Best Week Ever.
Is this something that just flew over everyones head? Or do people not even give a damn? Actually, I really don't care; it's just the similarities that down right... disturb me.

Reality Show...Cartoon? WHAT!?!?

I Am For The People! : Kids

Really people. Is this what our children's channels have come down to? Reality Cartoons? I know you're thinking; Well, it is a cartoon, basically about people getting voted off of an island. The show is called "Total Drama Island" (the name; wonderful isn't it?). And, if I must say so myself... I am totally addicted. It has all the scandal, minus the uh, actual reality.