Saturday, September 6, 2008

Why They See Hillary. I Had An Epiphany Ya!

Ok, I am going to get real personal with you right now. Because every time I think about this situation, I tear up. Let me give you a little bit of insight first. Tupac wasn't for this time... he was ahead, beyond, and trapped of his time. He preached a very strong word, but his actions were out of control...ridiculously. He had so much capacity to comprehend things and understand his world around him that it literally drove him into the ground. He among a few other rappers are the only real lyricists that rapped about their true life. If Tupac did a complete 180% turn... he would be more than brilliant. Anyone that know me, knows for sure that I am a complete 100% Biggie fan, but Pac said it best, "We ain't ready to see a black president..."

I had an epiphany ya'll. I am into psychics. I went to see a few in my lifetime. And, if I do watch TV, shows that have to do with psychics would be a type of show that I'd watch. So as I was walking around my gloomy neighborhood this morning, I was reminded about a show that I watched at the end of 2007. It was a talk show. Some Twin red headed psychics were booked as guests and making 2008 predictions for the audience and entertainment/world issues. They did predict Jay Z and Beyonce getting married, Angelina and Brads family getting a lot bigger, and I even think they predicted Porcia de Rosi and Ellen getting married. One thing that they predicted supposedly, is that Hillary Clinton will be president. Hmmm? Really? At the time I was like, I don't feel it. I didn't necessarily think it was going to be Obama, but I didn't feel Hillary.
So, fast forward to now. Obama baby! 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate! WOOOOO!!!!
Where's Hillary?
So my epiphany ya'll: Yesterday when I was trying to find pictures of John McCain, I thought it was very random and weird how all of his pictures were um,... very random and...weird. So I looked up pictures of Obama and they were wonderful. I mean really great pictures. The song "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" the Amy Winehouse version was playing in the background, and I burst out in tears. Hillary will become President. Vice President is still a President. She knows what a lot of you don't. The Hate ya'll, alive... kicking!

I need to continue with my epiphany. Look around you. Look what's happening on our planet. We are dying... at a vast rate. I don't watch the news so I really can't tell you what's really going on, but I feel it. I'm not going to go into the specifics with this, but the United States of America is suppose to be a strong nation. When it's Us against Them, we holds it down! But what's going to happen when it's Us against Us... we will fall. And then all hell will break loose. Lots of nations around the globe are nations divided. We are one of the strong... even the strong fall. Showing that we are in the early stages of the Age of Aquarius. Get your mind right ya'll! Gone with the bad, saving the good! And even the good will be sacrificed for the greater good of humanity. Read about it, I don't have time to tell you about it.

1 comment:

Shenica Marie said...

A friend of mine told me that this blog entry doesn't make sence. Mainly because I said that Hillary will be next up for Vice President if Obama becomes president. See I don't know how all that works on that subject, I was just speculating because I'm not into politics. But my point to the blog was that those twin psychics weren't the only ones that predicted Hillary to be president. And the fact that she is out of the running, should mean something.