Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Happening Ya'll, Secure Your JOBS!!

I Am For The People!: Future

Ok, so we are going into recession ya'll. You know this right? There needs to be change. And whoever is next in charge needs to demand that in some way. But like I said, we are going into recession. Only the strong are going to survive so... get a move on. There is one of two ways we will get through this, but either of these ways is still going to take some time. The first, which is the obvious way out; the government should just make some more money!! Why won't they make extra money?? Because they can't people, it's supposedly illegal, blah blah, blah. The other way we can make it out of this is if we migrate. We move to new places, do new things, introduce other to your way and start something up. I know we are in the technology age, but the future is all about a service people, get with it. I know you use to watch Dark Angel, the whole show was about people doing random services.
So the point is, we are in a recession ya'll, secure your jobs! I for one don't have a reeeal job, but I makes it through, so I'm going to see what's next for me. But as for all of you... SECURE YOUR JOBS PEOPLE, take charge of what's yours!!

Oh, and this totally has nothing to do with nothing, but I'm finally warming up to that T. I. song, "Whatever You Like".. it took me a minute, but I likes it! Like to hear it? Well... ☺

T.I. "Whatever You Like" Unedited version

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