Monday, August 1, 2011

True Blood....Ooooh La La

It is about halfway through the season of True Blood and it is about time I speak on some things... Besides the fact that I wish I could live in this land of Down South absurdity, I am very, very pleased at what I am viewing. I was a little nervous around the 3rd episode, that they were making True Blood more like that crazy Spanish soap opera rather than something you want to sink your teeth into... (wait, too much Pun, I had to do it!!)  But of course, it always leaves me wanting more at the end of each episode, and I feel a pang of slight depression every time it hits that 57 minute mark.

There is definitely some major changes, and additives and preservatives in this season of True Blood. First off, Sookie and Eric... definitely didn't see that coming. It just feels right though, like they are totally meant to be... There ain't nothing hotter than two weirdo sexy blondes rolling around in the forest under the moonlight; that is  insanely romantic.  

And, Tara... a lesbian...I totally seen that coming.... it suits her, and so does that straight lace front wig, Thank God for that! And, speaking of hair... What in the world did they do to Lafayette?? Why oh why did they do that to his hair? I understand in being the zesty one in a male gay relationship, but couldn't they broadcast that in a different way, rather than give him a dead baby possum and stick it on his head and think that it's cute? I have to go on a rant on this one because I can not take him seriously with those 1990 dookie patch braids. 

I need to comment on all the witchery, illusions, spells, and spirits that is going on here in this little city of Bon Temps. Anyone that knows me can vouch I am in True Blood heaven because I am immensely intrigued with all things of the supernatural, especially witchcraft and psychics. We were introduced to it a little bit last season when Jesus became Lafayette's boyfriend. But since the trip to Mexico in this past episode, we begin to see where all of this has stemmed from; Jesus Abuelo.  There is just something so sexy and wanting about him.  His swagger is intense and alluring. His personality shows no fear, and he is cunningly attractive. I don't know what it is, people with magical powers seem to just draw me in...Power can be quite sexy.

It is evidently clear that there is so much more to endure in this season of True Blood, I am already licking my True Blood wounds as for each week that passes and gives us so much to enjoy, that is just one week closer to the final episode... and once again, we have to wait until what seems like an eternity for more. Until next week True Blood, I will miss you♥

Friday, June 17, 2011

Love ♥ Bites is a Reality Killer

Love Bites has got to be one of the best new shows out there; definitely the best of the summer so far. Besides the fact that it is not a reality show, which has been taking up our cable television for years, this show is actually quite entertaining. It basically showcases the lifestyles of different groups of people that are connected in some way. Not all are connected to each other, but each person is connected to someone that is connected by someone else. 

Love Bites showcases 3 short stories of comedic humor, in which the story lines are all random, basically just anything and everything that can happen in ones life. For example, there was a story line of one girl pretending she was a virgin in order to get a guys attention. There was also a story line of a guy meeting the one on his list. You know that list where if a famous person is on it and if you meet them and they want to have sex with you, then it is acceptable, and well, the guy actually didn't do it. But the main story line always consist of the main character which is a woman that is pregnant and having a baby for her sister who can not have kids. 

I would vouch for this show 100 times if you are the type of person that is sick of reality shows and just need a good laugh, something new and interesting. It actually makes a point, has a voice of reason, and sheds some light on a situation on each and every episode. This is the kind of humor to life's ironic ways, and, in my opinion, allows those watching to understand life a little more along with a some serious amusement.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fat Joe... Not so Fat Anymore...

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I am just wondering, now that Fat Joe lost all that baby weight, is he still gonna be called Fat Joe? I heard being fat is just like being an alcoholic... U will forever be, what you always were. But truth be told, he does look pretty good now, I mean he was a cutie before, weight and all, but he actually is looking good now.
Fat Joe use to be one of my favorite rappers, until all that ish went down with Remy and he dropped her like a bad habit. She claimed that she use to write his rhymes and I believe her. If you listen to Fat Joe when he was rolling with Remy Ma and listen to Fat Joe after he told her to kick rocks, then you definitely hear the difference in the rap styles... Buuuut, that's old news and I'm over it anyway. I do think it's kind of funny though that Joe use to go HAM for NY, then when Khaled started taking over, he was repping Miami like he was born and raised in the County of Dade. Fat Joe will forever be Fat Joe to me... Maybe once the weight stays off he'll be the artist formally known as Fat Joe, BKA Joey Crack.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rihanna, Girl Down...NOPE, Never That!

I have to comment and say my peace regarding all this Rihanna BS and put it to bed, I am really sick of hearing about it... The video has only been out for like a week and I feel like I've been hearing all the back lash, the good, the bad, and the ugly for months. So let me get into it: 

When I first heard Rihanna's song 'Man Down' about a few months ago, my first thought was the song was definitely written for a man, with that old school reggae riddem vibe, it just seemed very manly... my second thought was, Damn, she really did it on 'em, took that song and made it really work for her... So with that being said, I was already a fan of the song... along with thousands of others.

It wasn't until the video came out that people really had something to say...I have to commend Rihanna for being that strong willed, strong minded person that she is... If anyone is made out for this, it has to be her. With all of the criticism she has endured with in this business it makes you believe that her tough skin is something that has been long developed. I am a huge fan of Ri, everything she does amazes me, but it seems critics, and even non critics think that she has gone too far with the video 'Man Down' in which she shows a man graphically being murdered, shot in the head by her.... It isn't until the end of the video that the reason is discovered as to why she actually murdered this man in cold blood, and I have to say I LOVE the concept of the video. Even though it was a short movie about a girl being sent over the edge on account of a drunken fool that thinks he can do whatever he wants [to women], I believe that if the graphics of the man being shot in the head didn't show that huge blood splatter coming out of the back of his head, she wouldn't have gotten so many parents/critics going in on her in the way that they did. I mean, BOOM, blood splat, MAN DOWN... It is pretty rated R if I do say so myself... (I had to put that Rihanna pun in there :)

Playing the Devils advocate here, I can understand why some people would be a little offended by the video, strictly on the basis of the blood splatter, I have a child, so I can relate in that way (side note: my son is not affected by the story line of the video, he's 10 and watches Family Guy for Pete's sake). But what I do not understand is why is she getting so much slack for murdering a Man when men murder men in their videos all the time? Let's be real... All this old school gangster rapper ish, that is all that we've seen in those videos. There's videos of people wanting to kill themselves, as well? What's up with that? Don't they think that is sending some type of message as well, even though in the video they appear to change their minds? I feel that people just love to take something that is different from the others and turn it into a wildfire within the media and Rihanna made that easy for them to do so this time.

The video to me gives me relieve in a way, I have never been raped, and God knows the type of person I am, If  something so tragic should ever happen to me as that, I would be that girl to go back, stalk the nigga outside his house and murder him... except, actually, I'd torture his ass first, because I am just that type of person, you take away my freedom, I have to take away yours.... PAUSE! Okay, I wouldn't do that, but my mind would be running wild of all the ways I could do something like that, because of what he took from me, something that was mine, that was not given and forcefully taken, literally taken from me... My mind would think of all types of ways to get my revenge... And that is what the video 'Man Down' is about. It isn't about a female killing a Man; It's an anthem for all of those Lovely females that have had their innocence taken away and scarred for life by some Man, that just wanted what he couldn't have so he had to take it. It's an anthem to show how these women really feel inside.

So, Rihanna, I love the video, you will always be a hero in my eyes. I love how they keep trying to knock you down but your feet just don't budge. We have this one life to live so we have to share it with as many people as possible, in as many ways as possible because we never know who's life we're saving just by the Freedom of Speech that we have been given as our right to say and do practically whatever the hell we want to do.... as long as we don't kill a man.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Eye F*cking: Is It Cheating?

 Image from
You know that saying 'you can look but don't touch', how far does that go? I have no problem with my BF catching the occasional glare at a passing female, it is only human nature. But when it comes to the point of  breaking your damn neck, falling off a chair, or worse, catching and holding eye contact with someone else... Is it cheating??

 I know you've all seen that one individual that stares you down until you actually connect eyes... It is possible that you are probably the person that stares... But when is staring too much? When is it accepted? Is it at all accepted? I'd say any person that is with their significant other and deliberately stares down someone in attempt to get them to notice you, is just asking to be slapped in the back of the head...and it makes you wonder what the hell they do when you are not around?

 Just in case y'all didn't know, eye f*cking is something that is more than just a stare or a glare... It is an intimate communication between two people using their eyes. You can tell a lot about someone and get a lot of information from someone by eye f*cking. You look, they look, then you look away, they stare, you look again, then they look away. You both smile, then catch each others gaze again. He raises an eyebrow, you give a smirk, then look away, he stares, you look again, and the cycle continues. Is it cheating?? If it was your significant other, you be the judge.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tamra From The Real Housewives OC = Delusionalllll...

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I'm catching up on The Real Housewives of OC and finally Tamra shows this so called boyfriend that she has been hiding and keeping to herself...
Is the girl blind?... Or deaf? He's obviously gay. No, seriously! Is her divorce making her so numb that she just doesn't notice, or has she just been with her husband too long that she can not tell anymore? Hell, she probably just doesn't care. Either way, that boy is swinging for both teams. She is sooooo oblivious, allegedly of course.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Drake And J. Cole...Doppelgangers?

You know, I wasn't always a J. Cole fan. I actually thank my ex-job for introducing me to his music. I was given a JC mixtape 'Friday Night Lights' and that was when it happened; I became J. Cole's # 1 fan. Weeks and weeks went by and I got to thinking, why wasn't anyone talking about him? Why do I only know him through that Miguel song? I think his verse in that 'All I Want is You' song did JC no justice as to the type of rapper he really is; Dude is remarkable.

So then it dawned on me...Drake!! OMG, Drake, I love Drake. Who doesn't love Drake?  J. Cole has got to be Drakes doppelganger! Both guys equally talented, swagger for days, and they kind of look a like when they are next to each other. They have similar flows, but Drake seems to be on the other side of the tracks. Drake is like the high school football player and J. Cole is on the chess team. Can you get a scholarship to college for chess?... Maybe, but highly unlikely. JC is potentially one of the best things out right now, he just has to work harder for it. As opposed to the high school football star (eh em... Drake) that just has to play football, C's are a qualifying grade, right?
Please don't get me wrong. I love Drake... he is multi talented. He payed his dues in a different form. He was a TV star growing up. To cross over and become one of the most famous rappers out here is a one in a million shot. I think he has luck on his side and deep deep down down down he knows it, and is truly grateful for it.

 J.Cole, Drakes doppelganger, on the other hand has made it too, in a different way. But still he has to try harder. I know I am not the only one who notices something in J.Cole, I mean the boy is working with some of the best out there. I know trends, I notice things from the inside out. It's just a matter of time for the public to really catch on and really get it. One of my favorite JC songs: "Blowing UP" Listen here:    ♫Bitch I'm about to BLOW UP♪♫

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beyonce: Blackface.... Faux Press or Faux Pas?

I can not believe how mush ish Beyonce is getting over this "Blackface" ad. Is this alllll they have to say about Beyonce?? I can't believe how many days this is gonna be top news. I don't even watch the news but I keep hearing about this and it's really kind of annoying. If this is all they have on her they have to move onto something else because I really don't consider that news... I actually think it is Art. I can see the beauty in it; it's pretty nice.

Okay someone had an idea that either worked or didn't. Apparently to the general public, it didn't. Personally, I liked it. People have their reasons for being offended, but truth of the matter is if she really wanted to portray that she was trying to be 'darker to appear African' then why wouldn't she darken her arms and legs as well. People are so ignorant and have nothing else better to talk about. Wow, talk about getting dirt on Beyonce....NOT!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Have you seen the US version of SKINS?.....

 This show called Skins originated in the UK years ago, Now the United States hopped on board to create their own version. This show called Skins is about a bunch of teenagers. The name of the series seems a little much for a teenage show, but after watching, it fits perfectly. I kind of felt a little foolish watching this program because it is for teenagers, and about teenagers. But the sex, drugs, lesbianic affairs, and partying ways of these cools kids got me interested. Not only because these aren't the sad little stories of some rich kids that have nothing better to do than to spend Mommy's money on drugs, but because this show is about regular kids, dealing with the issues that teens deal with in every step of their waking teenage years.

This show seems a little bittersweet to me because it takes me down memory lane to the high most. I remember these days of my youth and it is not far at all from where these guys are coming from. To think of some of the things that we use to do as teens and then now, to be older and being on the outside looking in, takes my breath away a little because that was my life. My self destructed life. My life of not really having a care in the world and partying, drugging, and sexing like a rock star. 

So far I have watched the first 3 episodes of Skins and I originally thought the name 'Skins' was about the fact that they are always getting it on... but after watching the first episode, they call their weed papers, skins, so I am assuming it has a double meaning. These teenagers are wild; popping pills, smoking weed in the school bathroom, alcohol in the hallways,lesbian and straight sex, stealing cars, crashing parties... There is a lot of what seems like fun going on in the lives of these youth that are only Juniors in high school. But underneath it all, there are real issues going on with these kids.

One of the boys has serious Mommy issues. The Mom takes off for weeks or months at a time, leaving this boy alone to do whatever he wants to do. It seems like what every kid wants, except this boy really wants his Mom back. This girl is a huge dike, but you would never know because she is at cute as a button. Well, all her friends know of course, but that leaves out the most important people of all that she wants to notice the truth about her which is her parents. She sleeps around with girls, but actually ended up doing it with one of her male friends because she is always seeking something extra, she is never satisfied. Then there is the regular problems of course, boy is in love with best friends girl, other girl will do anything for attention, and another other girl just trying to fit in, other boy just wants to get laid. The mastermind of this whole shebang is the star of the show, who seems like he doesn't have a care in the world, and who is only with his girlfriend, not because he is interested in her, but because she is 'Hot'. I'm pretty sure the plot will thicken.

I am pretty sure that there is sooo much more to these stories to come and I am excited every week to catch up on the latest episode of Skins to relive my youth over and over again. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My First Love... Oh How I Miss Thee.

My first love gave me so much joy. I would eat, sleep, and live by it. It is what I looked forward to when I woke up in the morning, and what I dreamt about when I went to sleep at night. I was in love for years, and with each passing year, my passion grew stronger and stronger. I felt like I belonged and it belonged to me, the one thing that no one could ever take away from me will be my love forever... or so I thought. It wasn't until the day that I fell out of love with Basketball is the day my passion for life fell out along with it. 
Basketball to me made me feel free. It was a stress release, and so much fun. I've never had more fun in my life than the time when basketball was my first love. My favorite part of playing was when my adrenaline would be pumping at the start of the game, as the ball is thrown in the air to see which team will have the first points scored. And also, towards the end of the game when every single move was accounted for in order not to foul or foul out because we wanted to be the team to take it home always. Well, the best part, actually, was during the game where I'd get to run and be free in my element of the game. The happiness that game brought to me is describable and quite sad because I've never felt this way about anything else before in my life.
I miss that feeling of wanting something so bad that you will do anything to attain it. I miss the fun that use to come with it. I miss being so passionate about something that just the thought of it not being in your life anymore didn't even exist. That's how I felt when I was playing basketball. It was something that was so apart of me that I thought that it would never leave. When it was swiped from me right in front of my very eyes, I turned my back on it and never ever looked back. Until now.
I want that feeling back. That feeling of living and breathing  something that you truly believe in. That feeling that being in love with something so much that it brings out the passion in you. I want the fire in my eyes again. Now if only I can find where I put it.