Friday, June 3, 2011

Eye F*cking: Is It Cheating?

 Image from
You know that saying 'you can look but don't touch', how far does that go? I have no problem with my BF catching the occasional glare at a passing female, it is only human nature. But when it comes to the point of  breaking your damn neck, falling off a chair, or worse, catching and holding eye contact with someone else... Is it cheating??

 I know you've all seen that one individual that stares you down until you actually connect eyes... It is possible that you are probably the person that stares... But when is staring too much? When is it accepted? Is it at all accepted? I'd say any person that is with their significant other and deliberately stares down someone in attempt to get them to notice you, is just asking to be slapped in the back of the head...and it makes you wonder what the hell they do when you are not around?

 Just in case y'all didn't know, eye f*cking is something that is more than just a stare or a glare... It is an intimate communication between two people using their eyes. You can tell a lot about someone and get a lot of information from someone by eye f*cking. You look, they look, then you look away, they stare, you look again, then they look away. You both smile, then catch each others gaze again. He raises an eyebrow, you give a smirk, then look away, he stares, you look again, and the cycle continues. Is it cheating?? If it was your significant other, you be the judge.

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