Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My First Love... Oh How I Miss Thee.

My first love gave me so much joy. I would eat, sleep, and live by it. It is what I looked forward to when I woke up in the morning, and what I dreamt about when I went to sleep at night. I was in love for years, and with each passing year, my passion grew stronger and stronger. I felt like I belonged and it belonged to me, the one thing that no one could ever take away from me will be my love forever... or so I thought. It wasn't until the day that I fell out of love with Basketball is the day my passion for life fell out along with it. 
Basketball to me made me feel free. It was a stress release, and so much fun. I've never had more fun in my life than the time when basketball was my first love. My favorite part of playing was when my adrenaline would be pumping at the start of the game, as the ball is thrown in the air to see which team will have the first points scored. And also, towards the end of the game when every single move was accounted for in order not to foul or foul out because we wanted to be the team to take it home always. Well, the best part, actually, was during the game where I'd get to run and be free in my element of the game. The happiness that game brought to me is describable and quite sad because I've never felt this way about anything else before in my life.
I miss that feeling of wanting something so bad that you will do anything to attain it. I miss the fun that use to come with it. I miss being so passionate about something that just the thought of it not being in your life anymore didn't even exist. That's how I felt when I was playing basketball. It was something that was so apart of me that I thought that it would never leave. When it was swiped from me right in front of my very eyes, I turned my back on it and never ever looked back. Until now.
I want that feeling back. That feeling of living and breathing  something that you truly believe in. That feeling that being in love with something so much that it brings out the passion in you. I want the fire in my eyes again. Now if only I can find where I put it.

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