Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Cross Roads...

You ever find your self at a cross roads, and don't know where to turn? I mean literally, you have no idea which way to move. You can go left, right, back, or forward. The obvious move would be to move forward, you can not argue with that. But how do you know if it is the right move?
I am at a crossroads, and I am not sure how proceed. I've been going around and around in circles for quite some time now, and I am getting very dizzy, sick and tired. I always wanted to move forward, but wasn't sure if that is the correct thing to do at this point. I've been hibernating and waiting for so long, it was not certain to me which steps I should take.
It kind of came to me in a dream. There was army of men marching, it was raining, snowing, sunny, night, morning, clear skies, lightning, thunder, etc... all of the natural wonders that this world brings to us by the weather. The men just kept marching, one after another. There was a point in time in the dream where one man fell down, the man that was just immediately behind him, scooped him up, and the march continued without even skipping a beat. That dream gave me my answer. ONWARD...MARCH!!!!

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