Sunday, December 21, 2008

So It's Christmas Time...

But to me it doesn't even feel like Christmas. Yes it's white out there, and cold... But I hardly see any lights, except for the Christmas lights hung up on the Express Mini Mart on the corner. When I speak about Christmas to certain individuals it seems like it is more of a hassle than a have to... and it shouldn't be have to, it should definitely be a want to. When I say have to, I'm remembering when we had our Christmas list of the people that we have to get presents for; and it was fun. I'm in the store, and a young lady and me gets to talking and she begins to tell me that she isn't buying Christmas presents for hardly anyone this year because everyone is pissing her off. But this is also the lady that has her 4 year old son with her, helping her zip up her boots and then pull them off...
My point is, things aren't the way it use to be. We can blame it on the fact that we are getting older... eh, hmm. But to be perfectly honest most of us are in our prime right now. We can say that it is the recession that is getting us down...well, of course. But we have to make the most out of it people. It is now time to become thrifty in the things that belong to us and who is involved in our lives.
So, it is Christmas time and I hate to sound like Scrooge, but Ba-hum-bug! And I mean it in the best way possible. I'd love to enjoy Christmas like we really ought to, but it seems that those that surround me aren't really in the, holiday spirit shall I say, and people think that Christmas is mostly about buying things and receiving presents except for what it really represents. Hey wait a minute... what does Christmas represent?
For a minute there, I really had to think about it. It's really about being with your family, related or not and enjoying living life, breathing life, waking life. And I am sorry to say, but it is really hard to do this when others around you have a different perspective on Christmas. Those who are having parties and getting together with loved ones just to kick it, get it. Those that are giving giving giving, and expecting expecting expecting, don't!

Happy Holidays ♥♥♥

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