Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Flakes, Phonies, Haters, and More...

GOODBYE!!! I know you all know a lot of these type people. I bet they are around you on a regular basis. GET RID of them people! The New Year is here, it's time for changes. You have no idea how much difficulty these people can bring to your life. We all know that for the more stronger of us humans, haters can actually work in our favor, but for the weaker of the human race, it kills us subconsciously. The thing that some of us don't understand is that if we don't need someone in our lives, meaning that if they don't do anything for us to light up our lives, then they should be rid of our lives. See we are living, breathing, human beings and our focus is to grow, to keep a move on. Flakes, Phonies, Haters and the rest don't allow that for us. They keep us still, right where they want us. They just keep sending their negative energy towards us making things harder than they actually are. I'm not saying totally disown others because we are all on our path to fulfillment and are all trying to find our way; I'm just saying let them go if they are of no importance in your life anymore.
I know this may sound easy, but trying to rid people of your life is actually a very hard thing to do. It can seem quite rude, but the bigger picture, the outcome of it all is worth it. To put our selves before we put any human being is a very humane thing to do. If we can't put ourselves first, how are we going to put our loved ones before us?

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