Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years EVE Ya'll! Live & Let Live♥♥

It's a New Year and new beginnings. I am very excited about 2009 for reasons I wish I knew. Some people aren't as ecstatic over the new year, or over any new year for that matter. This is actually my favorite holiday of them all. All over the world people are getting ready to celebrate this new cycle on January 1st. Even though this holiday doesn't interest all, it actually should interest us all. Consciously we as the human race are getting ready for 2009. A lot of us are secretly hoping for a new beginning even if we do not believe in the meaning of the new year. But since our minds are connected on a sub/conscious level, this is literally the time to be happy and most excited about new things coming. Time for sure is an illusion, but the right timing is key. If you get your mind right, then things come to you in due time. Karma, blah, blah, blah... But ultimately, the choice is up to you. You decide.

So, I hope everyone has gotten their New Years Resolutions underway. I must admit I'm partially done but that's all apart of the plan. I think it is very important to have at least one goal to accomplish for 2009. Otherwise everything just goes in a circle round and round. The other thing about New Years Resolutions is that a lot of us world wide share common goals that we want to attain. Thus bringing me back to us being connected consciously and subconsciously. Things are easier to acquire when you can tap into the power that your mind holds. Sounds crazy to the skeptics, but come on people, we use only 10% of our brain supposedly. Can you imagine what it would really be like just to use a 10th of a fraction of a 1/2 more from the brain? Gather your goals for this year and try your hardest to get to them. What's in a year? It's actually not that long of a time if you break it down.


So, it's snowing outside, beautiful... I feel fine. I am happy for this new year. So many new possibilities. For some reason, I am really feelin' 2009. I've been through a lot it seems in 2008, But I think the more important thing is that I learned so much this year. Have you ever heard of the saying that we as humans change every 7 (or so) years? Meaning that we make significant, heartfelt, often dramatic changes during the cycles of our life, and I think that I am in that phase right now.

Have you ever heard of that saying "stop and smell the roses"? I think that this should be a goal for many of us in 2009. Usually when we take a minute to enjoy the small wonderfulness around us, we get a lot more in return. I hate rushing, it is one of the most craziest things that I could do. My mind is frantic, and 9 times outta 10, something extra happens to make me late even more. I believe in flowing it and taking things as they are. I for one, love smelling flowers, literally, so Im a do a lot of that this year.
Please be safe, enjoy your New Year, and get ready; All will be fine in 2009!!!


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