Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's Britney BITCH!!!

Yes, yes, YES! Britney is baaaaaaaaaack! Any one who knows me know that Britney is my original Beyonce. I wanted to wait a little while, just to make sure she wasn't going to flub up again once back in the spotlight... and she didn't! With her two hit songs, "Womanizer" and "Circus" she is right on track. I want to make things very clear to those that don't give a damn about Britney and for those that do; I never gave up on her. I always was team Britney. Just because she went a little crazy in the public eye and did some really strange and interesting things in a Michael Jackson kind of way, everyone gave up on her. And then, after the media had their way with her and threw her to the dogs, everyone, including the media abandoned her and left her for dead. See, the thing about Britney is that, no, she is not a good singer, and no, she is not the greatest dancer... but she is an incredible performer. When she is at her peak, you can see her aura shining through. What I learned through this whole Britney ordeal is that you either lover her or you don't, and I for one LOVE her.
A couple of weeks ago I got into a huge argument with a friend over Brit and her crazy ways. My argument is that she is simply crazy, and sometimes knows not what she do. My friends argument is that she is a regular dumb human being with no talent. Our argument was so heated that my friend hydroplaned on the highway and almost killed himself... over some damn Britney! She's powerful people! Not all performers posses what Britney has, so regardless of if you like her or not, she has made history, and people like her. Her staying power is phenomenal so take it for what it is and be happy that our fellow human being has found the power to find her self again and is making her way back to the top. TEAM BRIT, GO!!!

Please look at my all time favorite Britney video "Slave 4 U"; It's sooooo, sexy... so Britney!

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