Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years EVE Ya'll! Live & Let Live♥♥

It's a New Year and new beginnings. I am very excited about 2009 for reasons I wish I knew. Some people aren't as ecstatic over the new year, or over any new year for that matter. This is actually my favorite holiday of them all. All over the world people are getting ready to celebrate this new cycle on January 1st. Even though this holiday doesn't interest all, it actually should interest us all. Consciously we as the human race are getting ready for 2009. A lot of us are secretly hoping for a new beginning even if we do not believe in the meaning of the new year. But since our minds are connected on a sub/conscious level, this is literally the time to be happy and most excited about new things coming. Time for sure is an illusion, but the right timing is key. If you get your mind right, then things come to you in due time. Karma, blah, blah, blah... But ultimately, the choice is up to you. You decide.

So, I hope everyone has gotten their New Years Resolutions underway. I must admit I'm partially done but that's all apart of the plan. I think it is very important to have at least one goal to accomplish for 2009. Otherwise everything just goes in a circle round and round. The other thing about New Years Resolutions is that a lot of us world wide share common goals that we want to attain. Thus bringing me back to us being connected consciously and subconsciously. Things are easier to acquire when you can tap into the power that your mind holds. Sounds crazy to the skeptics, but come on people, we use only 10% of our brain supposedly. Can you imagine what it would really be like just to use a 10th of a fraction of a 1/2 more from the brain? Gather your goals for this year and try your hardest to get to them. What's in a year? It's actually not that long of a time if you break it down.


So, it's snowing outside, beautiful... I feel fine. I am happy for this new year. So many new possibilities. For some reason, I am really feelin' 2009. I've been through a lot it seems in 2008, But I think the more important thing is that I learned so much this year. Have you ever heard of the saying that we as humans change every 7 (or so) years? Meaning that we make significant, heartfelt, often dramatic changes during the cycles of our life, and I think that I am in that phase right now.

Have you ever heard of that saying "stop and smell the roses"? I think that this should be a goal for many of us in 2009. Usually when we take a minute to enjoy the small wonderfulness around us, we get a lot more in return. I hate rushing, it is one of the most craziest things that I could do. My mind is frantic, and 9 times outta 10, something extra happens to make me late even more. I believe in flowing it and taking things as they are. I for one, love smelling flowers, literally, so Im a do a lot of that this year.
Please be safe, enjoy your New Year, and get ready; All will be fine in 2009!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Flakes, Phonies, Haters, and More...

GOODBYE!!! I know you all know a lot of these type people. I bet they are around you on a regular basis. GET RID of them people! The New Year is here, it's time for changes. You have no idea how much difficulty these people can bring to your life. We all know that for the more stronger of us humans, haters can actually work in our favor, but for the weaker of the human race, it kills us subconsciously. The thing that some of us don't understand is that if we don't need someone in our lives, meaning that if they don't do anything for us to light up our lives, then they should be rid of our lives. See we are living, breathing, human beings and our focus is to grow, to keep a move on. Flakes, Phonies, Haters and the rest don't allow that for us. They keep us still, right where they want us. They just keep sending their negative energy towards us making things harder than they actually are. I'm not saying totally disown others because we are all on our path to fulfillment and are all trying to find our way; I'm just saying let them go if they are of no importance in your life anymore.
I know this may sound easy, but trying to rid people of your life is actually a very hard thing to do. It can seem quite rude, but the bigger picture, the outcome of it all is worth it. To put our selves before we put any human being is a very humane thing to do. If we can't put ourselves first, how are we going to put our loved ones before us?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's Britney BITCH!!!

Yes, yes, YES! Britney is baaaaaaaaaack! Any one who knows me know that Britney is my original Beyonce. I wanted to wait a little while, just to make sure she wasn't going to flub up again once back in the spotlight... and she didn't! With her two hit songs, "Womanizer" and "Circus" she is right on track. I want to make things very clear to those that don't give a damn about Britney and for those that do; I never gave up on her. I always was team Britney. Just because she went a little crazy in the public eye and did some really strange and interesting things in a Michael Jackson kind of way, everyone gave up on her. And then, after the media had their way with her and threw her to the dogs, everyone, including the media abandoned her and left her for dead. See, the thing about Britney is that, no, she is not a good singer, and no, she is not the greatest dancer... but she is an incredible performer. When she is at her peak, you can see her aura shining through. What I learned through this whole Britney ordeal is that you either lover her or you don't, and I for one LOVE her.
A couple of weeks ago I got into a huge argument with a friend over Brit and her crazy ways. My argument is that she is simply crazy, and sometimes knows not what she do. My friends argument is that she is a regular dumb human being with no talent. Our argument was so heated that my friend hydroplaned on the highway and almost killed himself... over some damn Britney! She's powerful people! Not all performers posses what Britney has, so regardless of if you like her or not, she has made history, and people like her. Her staying power is phenomenal so take it for what it is and be happy that our fellow human being has found the power to find her self again and is making her way back to the top. TEAM BRIT, GO!!!

Please look at my all time favorite Britney video "Slave 4 U"; It's sooooo, sexy... so Britney!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve Massacre... Did you Hear About This?? Rediculous

This story is truly something straight out of a nightmare. On Christmas Eve, a man dressed up as Santa went to his ex-wife's parents house. A child answered the door and he immediately shot her in the face. He began to blow a homemade blow torch on the whole house and everyone in it. Truly disgusting! 9 people were found dead. Please follow this link to read the full story. Thank you. - from Associated Press

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Effin Christmas Ya'll!!!

So, it's here. It's Christmas and I'm actually feeling quite grand! When you think about Christmas and what it means to you, you should also think about those who don't have a family to share it with. These are the times when we want to be with our loved ones and not everyone has that luxury. Please keep those in your prayers who aren't as fortunate as you and enjoy your day like it is your last... everyday! This world is getting older every minute and we have no idea what is in store for us. Treat those as you wish to be treated and your world will change dramatically! The true meaning of Christmas is about giving without receiving, so please give lots and lots of love through out the day and I bet you will get a lot in return, regardless.

No one really knows this, but one of my favorite types of music is Christmas Music. My favorite song of all time is "Oh Holy Night". Pretty much when everyone sings it, I love it, always brings a tear to my eye. But my all time favorite version is Christina Aguilera's version. Simply Beautiful! Check it out!!! Merry Christmas my friends♥♥♥

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let's Talk About Music People...

Have you seen Pink lately? The girl looks good! I think better than ever. She put out her new album since her divorce from her husband and so far so good! I'm really loving her hit song "sober" right now. If you haven't seen the video, go check it out on YouTube.... HOT!!! Take a look below of a performance of the song.

Even though he's a dusty nigga... Jim Jones actually has a little fashion sense. Did anyone notice how he tried to bring back ski goggles in the "Pop Champagne" video? I was actually quite impressed. Even though that fad is neeevvvver coming back in the hip hop nation, it looked quite good on him. Now watch this generations ghetto fake thugs around the USA put maad ski goggles on lay-a-way.

I don't mean to be a groupie... but can I tell you who my favorite Jonas Brother is? OMG, this youngster is the cutest. At first, I had trouble deciding which one I liked because they all look the same except for that one that looks nothing like them... but after much thought and consideration, I have decided on... the one in the middle!! Don't know his name, but he sure is dreamy, he's the 'other' singer... ahhhh, sigh.

Monday, December 22, 2008

♫Jingle Bells♫ For The Hood at Heart...

Have you seen/heard this?? The moment I did, I fell in love. Juelz is just so...HOOD! And Sexy! I mean for sure you got to be a Dipset fan to love this, but who doesn't like a little extra Juelz Santana in their life. Enjoy☻

Sunday, December 21, 2008

So It's Christmas Time...

But to me it doesn't even feel like Christmas. Yes it's white out there, and cold... But I hardly see any lights, except for the Christmas lights hung up on the Express Mini Mart on the corner. When I speak about Christmas to certain individuals it seems like it is more of a hassle than a have to... and it shouldn't be have to, it should definitely be a want to. When I say have to, I'm remembering when we had our Christmas list of the people that we have to get presents for; and it was fun. I'm in the store, and a young lady and me gets to talking and she begins to tell me that she isn't buying Christmas presents for hardly anyone this year because everyone is pissing her off. But this is also the lady that has her 4 year old son with her, helping her zip up her boots and then pull them off...
My point is, things aren't the way it use to be. We can blame it on the fact that we are getting older... eh, hmm. But to be perfectly honest most of us are in our prime right now. We can say that it is the recession that is getting us down...well, of course. But we have to make the most out of it people. It is now time to become thrifty in the things that belong to us and who is involved in our lives.
So, it is Christmas time and I hate to sound like Scrooge, but Ba-hum-bug! And I mean it in the best way possible. I'd love to enjoy Christmas like we really ought to, but it seems that those that surround me aren't really in the, holiday spirit shall I say, and people think that Christmas is mostly about buying things and receiving presents except for what it really represents. Hey wait a minute... what does Christmas represent?
For a minute there, I really had to think about it. It's really about being with your family, related or not and enjoying living life, breathing life, waking life. And I am sorry to say, but it is really hard to do this when others around you have a different perspective on Christmas. Those who are having parties and getting together with loved ones just to kick it, get it. Those that are giving giving giving, and expecting expecting expecting, don't!

Happy Holidays ♥♥♥