Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I want to blog about this people, but I am afraid that there are no words is the human language to explain what I am feeling. Universally I can feel the love of what is going to happen today. Inside I am smiling brightly, wide, big... I am smiling so much on the inside that my cheeks hurt on the outside. Today is a much anticipated event that I don't think is overdue; I think the time is now, and that is why it is happening now! We are going to have a BLACK President y'all! Some of you might not know how monumental this is. My grandparents could not even look at a white person when they walked down the street. My parents weren't allowed to go to school with white people earlier in their school career, and today, White, Black, Asian, Spanish, Indian and the rest have already come together to take part in what is probably going to be one of the biggest historical events in history today!
Growing up as a young Black American in the United States, I was able to see and live the changes that made today possible. I was able to see and live how Black people were repressed and how it was so hard for us to attain a dream we had in mind simply because we are black. Today is monumental!!! This right here is a perfect in your face example of how we all have changed as the human race. Because this isn't all about the United States of America, globally we are celebrating something that we know is going to change our futures for the better indefinitely!
Now all of you know that I am not into politics so when Obama was voted for our President-Elect, I glorified by myself so no one could see me... mainly because I wanted to keep that moment to myself, to humble myself for the things that I know in my heart that are sure to come. Worldwide, I can feel the hum of a strong positive energy that lights my insides up. Sounds funny, but every time I think about it, I feel strong, bright and honored to be a Black American in this day to actually see for myself the power of change and what it will do for us Universally as a whole. We all know this isn't going to be easy, but we already took a huge step outside of the box, and leaped off the edge to land in a bed of roses! Tupac said it once, but at that time he was right; we weren't ready to see a Black President. But today my people, TODAY WE WILL!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

But Did You See This?

I don't have to say many words, just please... WATCH THE VIDEO!
♪ Tell me something (tell me something) Where your Boss At (where your boss at)...♪

Beyonce, "DIVA"

Oh, and btw, I seen this on 106th and Park... can someone tell me why is Terrance's adams apple so protruding and skinny. It's actually quite scary. weird.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Got A New Girl Crush Ya'll...

Ok, we all have them don't we? I have three! One I've had for years, another I picked up about 2 years ago, and the last is brand new. My oldest girl crush is Michelle Rodriguez. OMG. She is soooo HOT! Even though she isn't an A list actress, or even a B list, she definitely has something about her that draws me to her. To be perfectly honest, it's her manly-ghetto-don't give a shit ways that really attract me to her. Besides the fact that she is beautiful and her body is off the charts, her attitude, hands downs is what gets me.
My next girl crush is so darling! I love to just look at her. It's Anne Hathaway. It's her big ol' nose and her big ol' eyes that I find very attractive. If she didn't have her eyes and her nose that stands her out from the rest, she'd be just a plain Jane. The thing that I really enjoy about her is her confidence. It is something that is seen in the way she walks and talks. As with any average looking white girl, if she has personality, she becomes much more interesting to look at. So, with the combination of her girl-next-door look and her confidence level, she gets a check on my girl crush list!
And my last GC is... sigh, Kerri Hilson. Just in case anyone didn't know, I have a thing for big noses, (and f'd up teeth), but there is just something about a big nose that I like to look at. Sounds crazy I know, but I think it gives the face character. Kerri Hilson is my newest girl crush because she just exudes sexy. I mean, all you got to do is look at the girl and you can feel her sexy. Besides the fact that her voice is as sweet as lilies, her swagger is so sincere. The way she walks, sings, talks, dances... you know that it is something that comes from within and can not be learned. That is something that I really appreciate about a woman; a natural swagger that everyone can see. Like everyone else, I got introduced to Kerri in Usher's "Love In This Club" Video, and fell in love with her after hearing her first single "Energy". Many don't know this about her, but she's been in the game for a minute writing music for a lot of artist, so she is a very talented being and seems to be very humbled as well. Sexy and humble; can't be mad at that!
So I'd like to leave you with Keri's video of her first single, "Energy". The video is so HAWT, and the message is beyond words, so check it out!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Quietest Beef Ever!! Ciara vs Beyonce...

So, I bet ya'll didn't even know about this huh? Beyonce has very mysterious ways of making things disappear quick, fast, and in a hurry! But just in case ya'll didn't know, let me fill you in right quick. So remember Ciara's song "Like A Boy", well she was pissed about Beyonce's song, "If I Were A Boy" because everyone and their Mama should know that Beyonce got that idea from Ciara. Supposedly Ciara didn't like the fact that Queen B was biting so she got back at her... through her own music. OMG, you guys gotta hear this if you haven't already; Ciara did her own take to Beyonce's "DIVA" and if you listen closely, you will hear a lot of snide comments directed towards B. I'm not even gonna lie, Ciara got this hands down. I'm sorry B☻
Check it out!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Psychic Senses Are Tingling...

I am very excited to have a few extra fans, and so sorry that I haven't written more this year. I've been so busy with new and exciting things already so I am maintaining pretty well. But this blog right here is specifically intended to his Libra Girl, who I know in another lifetime we'd actually be the best of friends. My psychic senses are telling me that she reads this so I would like to say something to you. First and foremost, you are beautiful. You have many wonderful spirits around you that bless you everyday, and it shines through. I think that is what I like best about you, even though I don't know you. Even though you are goofy and can be wild, you have an old soul that I think is very recognizable and that's a wonderful thing. I think that the relationship that you both have is perfect and you are probably one of the best for him. I can see that he shines because of you, and I can not ask for anything better than that. I actually really like you guys together, and I always have right from the very beginning; he can tell you that. See, I think what you are doing for him, he has done for me, and my life is so much better. And all he was doing was being himself...as you are being yourself. You are young, vibrant, full of life and have lots and lots of love to give. In many ways you are like myself, besides the fact that we are complete opposites there is a lot of you that is me as well. I believe that ya'll was suppose to meet and to me you guys fit. From where I am, everything is all love and I would only always and forever wish the best for him; and you seem to be the best right now. So alls I can say is ♥♥♥ and keep reading ☺

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years BABES!!! ♫ It's a New Day!♫

♪I woke up this morning feeling brand new...♫ Listen, I love my life! Even though my New Years had a lot of technical difficulties thrown into play, it's all apart of the plan.