Friday, December 31, 2010

2011... Oh Boy!!!

Hello everyone, it's your fave blogger!! I am back peeps! LOL. Yes, Yes, I know the blog before the last one said the same thing. But didn't u see how sad my post was... couldn't you tell I didn't have it all together in blogger world? Well I'm back and it's time to continue with what I started.

I just would like to reflect on 2010 because it seems this year just flew by without any notice.

2010 reflections...ahhhh, let's see...


I've got nothing people. I've got nothing for the right reasons. 2010 was a year of waiting. There was much that I had to see in order to move forward with my life. Without me taking a break and actually looking at the things around me, people in my life, and goals I want to achieve, there was no possible way to move forward. I felt stuck... so I waited.. and what a wait that was. I've been gone for wayyyy to long. I found what I was looking for and ready to proceed.

I like to think I learned a lot in this year that passed. I'm changing slowly in a good way. No New Years Resolutions... just doing ME this year. That's my Mantra for 2011.

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