Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My 7TH Year Itch!!

Hello people, good morning, good to see ya! I feel like I just did a huge stretch and now, I am ready to go! I can't believe that it is April already. Don't you think March flew by? But February was so slow... Anyway, if you didn't notice, I am beating around the bush for what I really want to say. It's been soooo long since I've blogged, I feel like a stranger to my own blog, my baby. I am really going to try not to be so long winded, but I actually have a lot to say. And, I hope, with what I say, you all can relate this to your lives in some way or another and look forward to changes as well.
So, I've been reading this book; I'm pretty sure you all have heard of it, and many probably have read it as well. But as shameful as this may sound (with me being a reader and all...) this is the first time that I have actually read this book! It's the Diary of Anne Frank. And I am in Love... and highly highly convinced that I was Anne Frank in a past life, or if not Anne, then definitely her counterpart, Kitty. (All those who know me, know that my nickname or uh, other personality is Kitty...weird) I always wondered why I had such a soft spot for conditions during the Holocaust and now I know why. There are many more "coincidences" as well, but we don't really need to get into that. I am more than 3/4ths of the way done with this book and can't wait to finish. But as I am reading this book, it definitely brought me back to my youth. Certain parts of my youth that I would figure have no significance on the person that I am today...but realizing that those parts of my youth is what makes me exactly the person that I am today. Which brings me to my main topic of my 7 year itch!
We all know what what 7th year itch means... but I am not talking in regards to relations, I am talking in regards to yourself. You know they say a person changes every 7 or so years. It's not exactly 7 years from the time you were born, but 7 years from the time something really significant happened in your life. And it could be something as simple as someone scaring the shit out of you dressed like a clown, and now you can't stand clowns! From that moment, your body's chemistry changed, and therefore changed you, making you a different type of person. So with that being said... I am at my 7 year itch y'all!! And, it's very exciting and very scary. My 7 years started between the ages of 5 & 6, then 13, after 19/20, and then now. I mean for the most part, I'd say I'm pretty much on track, so I have to be thankful with this life that I've been given. Do you know, like everyday, I get word of me knowing someone, or someone else knowing someone that has passed. I mean, they say that we are living in hell, but I like to be alive. I like to be human, and experience all that there is for us to experience, because lets be truthful, who really knows where we go in the end. The Promised land is not promised, because for the most part, we know not what we do.
So, I'm at my 7th Year Itch people and I'm feeling fine, really good. I'm not rich by any means, I'd say that I am basically poor. The owner of clothing line Young Broke and Fabulous, must really know what's good because honestly, that's how I feel. I'm young, broke, and fabulous enough to know the changes that are going on around me. And I'm young, broke and even more fabulous to know the changes that are going on within me and I have to ride it, why not? See people are scared of change, even if you don't want to admit it. I know about 6 or 7 of my closest people who are in denial about change until they are pushed into change, and then shock occurs. But for those that see it as it is just happening, then you should just flow with it.

So I'm living in my 7th year itch, and itch, itch, itchy has it been. I call this the 7th Year Itch because it's something that doesn't come easily. Whatever is being changed in that given time frame is coming hard, full of energy, so the the opposing energy is strong as well, it just pulls you back. I know you know what I'm talking about people. You know when something so right, goes so wrong, and you want to keep on trucking, but you just don't know the way? Or when all is bad so you just continue on with the bad... well because it's bad anyway. Or when things go right, you automatically think things are going to go wrong, and they do, so you were right. No No NO. WRONG! Just flowing it would be to just simply keep going. Or to say fuck it, shit is going bad, why don't I try something new. Better yet, when things go right, say can I get a hell yeah! HELL YEAH!! (okay, now I'm getting into corny mode... booooo!!) But you guys get the picture. You gotta flow with the energy within you first, and then you can flow with the energy outside of you and then the rest is HISTORY!!! And it really is that easy. The lessons learned aren't easy, but I guarantee better will come.
So with me riding my energy wave these last few months, I realized that my 7th year was upon me. And I'm so scared to enter... (OMG, did I just admit that to you?) But the forces within me will have it no other way! I've had 2 major loves in my life. One being basketball, which I abandoned for boys apparently. And the other is fashion, which I was on my way to abandoning, but I really, really didn't want to. Something that I noticed which really ticked me off was the fact that I was writing on this blog more than I was writing to my Love, my other blog, Tha Profreshionalz. I am ashamed, so very ashamed!! I mean, I love fashion, I don't even have to try hard to achieve it, and I just neglected it... in almost every way. So mi gente I am sorry to say that I will no longer be writing about unnecessary, funny, rude, crude, sensational, unbelievable, intoxicating, awesome subjects on this blog i am for the people. But I will be writing on my other blog about trendy, futuristic in the NOW things on Awwwwwww!! But the thing is, I like writing about stupid people, and making funnies at them. But I guess there is a time and a place for that. I remember when a friend, or foe named Justin asked me, "Well, what exactly is your blog about?" And he was serious! I was offended because I'm like, "Well if you read the top it says it's about random things so what are you saying?" He's like, "I know, but..." I don't remember the conversation, but should have taken that as a sign to focus on my Love and not have it wait. Any who.... oops! Long winded! Just please tune into to and I will be happy to assist you with all things young, fly, fabulous, futuristic, fresh, and interesting. PEACE MY KITTENS!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥